CAD stands for Computer Aided Design. Essentially, it is the use of a computer to produce a design, removing the need to put plans together by hand.

CAD is widely used in a number of industries. It’s very prolific in architecture and makes an architect’s life far easier by providing an excellent platform for putting together design work. It is also an important part of the design process in a number of other industries. Designers of all kinds will use CAD software to assist in the creative process, and engineers from mechanical and technical backgrounds make use of it to plan and store information for projects.

Using a computer has a number of benefits over traditional pen-and-paper methods. With some CAD packages, you will be able to view your design in 3D to get an idea of how the finished product will actually look. You can also render your design from any angle and can rotate it to see how it will work from various viewpoints.


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